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Frequently asked questions

The best way to get the most appropriate answers for your unique questions and situation is to speak with us directly. However, here are some of the most common questions.

LIFTu Mindful moments the lessons with in

What services does offer?
Answer: offers personal mentoring/mindfulness coaching and group mindfulness meetups in Northern Ireland, in cafes, libraries, community centres, etc. We can help elevate your life,

Who is behind
Answer: is owned by Mark McIntyre, publisher of several books and master mindfulness coach with a background in Mindfulness and years of experience in employment coaching and within the education sector and justice system. 

What are my books about?
Answer: An eclectic range with a common thread to lift your day. Including self-help books, poetry and myth, check those out here;  

What is the pricing for services?
Answer: Prices/fees are displayed on each page. Please note that where services are offered at a cafe or any place that serves drink and food, etc., You pay for your own drinks, etc, unless specifically stated otherwise.

What is Mindful Moments about?
Answer: In short, it's a group of people who meet weekly to make sense of and find calm regarding the perception of place in the world. The service uses practical solutions to achieve that inner sense of calm, no matter the chaos that occasionally surrounds us. 

Where are LIFTu group fitness classes held?
Answer: LIFTu group fitness classes (Bootcamp) are held around Northern Ireland, including Shaws Bridge, Belfast.

What are the payment options for LIFTu services?
Answer: LIFTu accepts payment through the online pay platforms built into the website. If, for whatever reason, you would rather pay cash, then you can opt to do that when booking.  

If your question was not covered, then get in touch.

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